CME Connection

Methodism was birthed in the 18th century by John Wesley. The denomination grew rapidly and formed Methodism north and south. The latter consisted mainly of slave owners and their slaves. The Colored Methodist Episcopal Church was formed December 16, 1870, when former slaves split from their masters to allow opportunities for them to the pastor, start their own churches, and provide leadership for their people. In the present day, the denomination is called Christian Methodist Episcopal and reports over 800,000 members and 3,000 churches. It is divided into 11 Episcopal districts including the U.S., Haiti, Jamaica, and Africa with 11 active bishops. Learn more about our CME Church history by accessing the national CME website at the link below.
Oklahoma Regional Level
Oklahoma Regional Level is made up of two opposite sides of the state: Oklahoma City and Tulsa Districts. Currently, Rev. James L. Dunbar is Presiding Elder of the Oklahoma City District and Rev. Marquett Youngblood presides over the Tulsa District. There are district officers appointed and/or elected to assist in unifying, training and assisting the local churches.
Regional Level Conferences and Programs
Annual and Mid-Winter Conference, Board of Christian Education (BCE) Day, Regional Children, Youth and Young Adult Day and various other programs, revivals and auxiliary group events.
National Level Conferences and Meetings
St. John is a member of the 9th Episcopal District where the Rt. Rev. Bobby R. Best is the Presiding Prelate. The 9th includes eight regional conferences Alaska-Pacific, Arizona-New Mexico, Northern California, Southern California, Oregon, Washington and Oklahoma. Also, nationally there are various conferences, i.e. The General Conference (held every 4 years and consists of election of bishops and general connectional officers), The National Youth and Young Adult Conference (held every 4 years), One Church One Child, Women’s Missionary Society Quadrennial, Pastor’s, Lay Conferences, etc. National CME Website.